Glenn Beck's Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government, Inspired by Thomas Paine

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"If you believe it's time to put principles above parties, character above campaign promises, and Common Sense above all -- then I ask you to read this book...."

In any era, great Americans inspire us to reach our full potential. They know with conviction what they believe within themselves. They understand that all actions have consequences. And they find commonsense solutions to the nation's problems.

One such American, Thomas Paine, was an ordinary man who changed the course of history by penning Common Sense, the concise 1776 masterpiece in which, through extraordinarily straightforward and indisputable arguments, he encouraged his fellow citizens to take control of America's future -- and, ultimately, her freedom.

Nearly two and a half centuries later, those very freedoms once again hang in the balance. And now, Glenn Beck revisits Paine's powerful treatise with one purpose: to galvanize Americans to see past government's easy solutions, two-part monopoly, and illogical methods and take back our great country.

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Customer Buzz
 "Dagger in the heart" 2009-07-12
By camomonk (Fremont, MI United States)
I will not give it a total negative review because much of the book is regurgitated is a bit twisted and I am sure if Paine was here today would but a dagger in Glenn Becks heart and any other conservative that attempts to kidnap Paine as their own.

Customer Buzz
 "Beck's a Joke!" 2009-07-12
By Jason R. Jadloski (Ohio)
Glen Beck is bought out and paid for by the corporate media. The only folks I could trust on MSN would be Lou Dobbs and Judge Andrew Napolitano. Both parties are corrupt, yes; liberals and conservatives, you fail at dealing with real politics. Have you ever decided on who was behind these Presidents? Clinton, Bush, Obama? The Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations have filled all of their administrations since 1921. Thanks to Glenn Beck for mentioning 9/11 I have a few words to say. Beck here said that the people who are out and about giving information to folks about the truth of 9/11 (The Commission report is hogwash), that they could soon associate with Al-Qaeda. Go to YouTube and type up 'Al-Qaeda doesn't exist'... you'll find some videos.

Keep an open mind. All of these terms keep dividing the populous of America from each other.

Good luck in your research!

Customer Buzz
 "fantastic" 2009-07-12
By T. reasoner
If you are interested in where our country came from and where we are headed today, this is a must read. Beck is thought provoking and encourages us to be our best person and to return to our roots that made us the greatest nation in the world.

Customer Buzz
 "Not complicated--but isn't common sense supposed to be..." 2009-07-12
By Jason Torgerson (Fort Leavenworth, KS)
This book caught my interest. I am a Historian of the American Revolution. Simulatneously while reading Beck's book, I was re-reading "The Federalist Papers"...a series of articles written to persuade the people of New York to back the new Constitution--our current constitution. As for Glenn's book, he writes in a very simple conversational style. The reader feels they are sitting accross the table from the author. If you have ever watched Glenn Beck's shows (CNN or FOX)...or listened to him on radio, the book is simply a compilation of thoughts and contains nothing new. Perhaps the most powerful part of the book is the inclusion of Thomas Paine's original pamphlet "Common Sense." This addition shows the continuum of the fight for freedom from tyrrany. America tends to shed off her history because the thoughts of the founders are not "modern" enough. This book is an excellent gateway book into the original founding documents of America. Thomas Paine's "Common Sense", the Declarations of Independence (The States also wrote declarations), the Constitution, the Articles of Confederation, The Federalist Papers, diaries, and other original writings are all available. Bottom line: our founders were brilliant students of history, politics, business, law... and ... common sense. Glenn Beck simply reminds us that common sense must not die. Good book, quick read, timeless message: "Don't Tread on Me" -- Americans DO NOT FEAR -- especially government.

Customer Buzz
 "Glenn Beck writing about common sense makes as much sense" 2009-07-12
By brentbent (the rolling hills of the Palouse)
as a blind from birth person writing about the colors of a rainbow. Common sense means it does not change as political winds change yet the out of control government meme wasn't a mainstay of Beck until they lost control of the government. Of course, when his viewers spout off things like the Federal government shouldn't run anything but the military you know you've left the land of common sense. I'd love to see how my home state of Idaho would maintain let alone build new roads without the ample assistance of federal dollars. After all it is the Red States that need all the federal government welfare to operate while the vast majority of the blue states get back less than what they put into the system. This isn't propoganda this is a fact any person with a few brain cells can verify by checking the federal budget broken down state by state. So when all you rugged individualist Red Staters stop sucking on the federal welfare teet you can then start lecturing about out of control government but until then every time that you do makes you a hypocrite. Just like all the GOP governors who wailed they wouldn't take a dime of stimulus money and then accepted it anyways, just like all the GOP congressional members who voted against the bill then go home to their districts to boast about all the jobs that they personally brought to their districts through the stimulus money that they voted against. Where's the common sense in that?

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