ASUS Eee PC 904HA 8.9-Inch Netbook (1.6 GHz Intel ATOM N270 Processor, 1 GB RAM, 160 GB Hard Drive) Fine Ebony

Buy Cheap ASUS Eee PC 904HA 8.9-Inch Netbook (1.6 GHz Intel ATOM N270 Processor, 1 GB RAM, 160 GB Hard Drive) Fine Ebony

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Netbook Eee PC 904HA offers more options to users for unique user experiences. Long lasting battery life, built in high speed connectivity and exclusive 10GB file-encrypted Eee Storage with easy accessibility makes it the ideal traveling companion for outdoor activities. The 8.9 display provides comfortable viewing, and a full QWERTY keyboard makes for easier typing and relaxing usage. Built-in camera ensures users stay in touch with the important ones. User friendly XP pre-loaded. ZBD Guaranteed for best quality LCD. Content includes Eee PC, battery, AC Adapter, Sleeve Case, Manual and Recovery CD........

Technical Details

- XP-Preloaded with 160G large HDD.
- ASUS Super Hybrid Engine and 6 cell high density battery pack allow for longer battery lifespan. Super Hybrid Engine offers a choice of performance and power consumption modes for easy adjustments according to various needs.
- High Speed Connectivity Anywhere with Wi-Fi 802.11b/g.
- Exclusive 10GB Eee Storage with easy accessibility anywhere online.
- Free 1 YR Warranty (6 month for battery, 30 day ZBD Guaranteed)
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Customer Buzz
 "Love it" 2009-07-01
By Just Honest Ratings (Carmen Sandiego)
I love this little laptop. I was looking at several Windows CE Palmtops just when I discovered this laptop. I bought it right away. I wish it had Bluetooth but it does not. It has a good WiFi antenna built in though so that is a plus. I love XP and I love the speed, the 6 hour battery, the hard drive size. I added a LG laptop DVD burner to my USB port, It powers that great and I was able to watch 2 movies on one charge on a recent trip. I keep it in my work van for business inside a clipboard so no one see's I have it. If I loose it I will get another one.

Customer Buzz
 "watch the upgrade to 2gb" 2009-06-11
By R. Marks (BOCA RATON)
the first week it worked great , terrfic battery life and nice screen, fast boot because windows xp is far better than vista. bought the 2gb upgrade and followed the directions to replace the board, it was a snap until i tried to turn it on again..nothing .back to asus and waiting for its return i will let viewers know how it works from there

Customer Buzz
 "Strange Little System" 2009-06-09
By Confederate (Bethesda, MD)
First, this computer really does work very well from a technical standpoint, so this isn't meant to sink your battleship if you already have one. But having used mine for close to a week, I'm both delighted and disappointed with my 904HA. I'll begin by listing the good points: The computer itself couldn't have been easier to snap together. The keyboard is large enough to be usable and the software includes Microsoft Works, which means that you don't need to go hunting for word processing and other functions. So far, it hasn't hiccuped at all and a bios update worked flawlessly. Another good point is that the power supply retains just enough juice during a power outage or a disconnect to keep you going for about 45-60 seconds. Nice.

The not-so-good features, however, might be a deal-breaker. Foremost is the keyboard. It's just large enough to be usable (earlier versions simply aren't, really), but the [right-shift] key is all the way to the right and down under, which means that users will be forced to learn this agonizing movement if they're going to type quickly. It's the single most stupid layout decision someone could make. What's worse, the designers moved it out of the way to make room for an arrow key! So every other time I begin a new sentence, the cursor moves down a line rather than giving me the shift function! They could have easily put the arrow key where they put the [right shift] key.

The only other problems I've noticed are 1) the screen resolution is either too small, or it's stretched all out of proportion! And 2) hotkeys from other programs don't work. I use an outstanding little screen capture program called Hypersnap that will let me capture any part of a screen with a hotkey (I use the [`] key). This nifty little program works in every Windows XP system I've ever tried, but for some reason it just doesn't work in the Asus system unless you happen to be in the program itself. I've closed down every other program I have and it doesn't work; so if you have a program that uses a hotkey, I wouldn't count on it to work with this particular computer.

If I had it to do over again, I'd probably look into one of the new, larger models, though the size of this machine is incredibly convenient. Asus makes decent motherboards, but though they've created a very nice system here, I just can't really get beyond the poor aspects of it.

Customer Buzz
 "Very Nice" 2009-06-05
By Darian Kearns (WV)
NOT a single problem right out of the box. Charged it. loaded my USB-phone drivers and was on line in minutes. Swapped the 1Gb mem for a 2Gb OCZ module. Easy to use. I even figured out how to get Sims2 on it for the kid. She hooks up the external monitor bumps up the resolution and complains when I kick her off.

Battery life really pushes 6 Hrs with only a few charge cycles so I expect it to get a little better. I've heard max life is around ten cycles.

Customer Buzz
 "impressive and sturdy" 2009-06-01
By Jason D. Richardson (Brentwood, TN.)
I got this little laptop as a portable Hulu player around my house, a quick netflix updater for instant viewing on my xbox, and as a quick and light travel companion for mid-long range trips. I can't be happier. It does all of that so well and feels so sturdy doing it that I tend to use it even with a full desktop computer and dual monitor system next to it. I installed Windows 7 RC on it and was pleasanlty surprised (great OS) that it ran smoothly with all features enabled even without the Ram upgrade that people are suggesting (I suggest it as well and will do it in the future, but I've had no problems in performace that indicate the need for it). The camera is 1.3 megapixels, don't expect high def here, but for not having to tote around a usb camera and still be able to communicate with your kids on a road trip while they are sitting at home, it's worth it and does the job. The best thing about it though is the ability to carry it one hand with ease and not feel like you have to be fragile with it (don't get me wrong, I'm sure beating it against the wall would do damage to the disk drive (get the flash drive version if you want to try that out) but it handles itself very well). You can see in the pictures the circular silver disks on either side of the back. When the lid is down, that bar that runs along the back is the perfect grip/handle for you to carry this laptop like a book, as if you were carrying the book by it's spine. I've found that I have a lot more freedom around the house when I want to just check on something online and I highly recommend it.

The only negative is what people have mentioned before, the shift key on the right side is not in the right place. As much as I hate to mention this to those people griping about it though, I have gotten use to just using the left shift button for everything and have gotten to the point of not even using the right shift anymore. There are solutions if you want to modify that functionality though. And before you upgrade to Windows 7 there is a driver that you can back up and that is the ONLY driver that Win 7 doesn't recognize (check forums). For those mac users out there, I hear this is a nice little box for the new mac OS as well, but I do not have any personal experience on that front. There are forums for both upgrading this to Win 7 and there are websites out there for downgrading to Mac as well. (yes, that was a biased remark). Good purchase all in all, definitely happy to have gotten it.

Buy ASUS Eee PC 904HA 8.9-Inch Netbook (1.6 GHz Intel ATOM N270 Processor, 1 GB RAM, 160 GB Hard Drive) Fine Ebony Now